List of things that piss me off in books #4
"you are not like other girls"
SOMEONE STAB ME IN MY EYE. If I have to read this line ever again, I will tear the book down to pieces then burn it , then burn it's ashes again.
Or if I'm reading it in my laptop then I'll fling my laptop across my room and won't even care that my laptop contains every piece of my invaluable life.
So, according to this line " yOu'rE nOt LiEe oThEr gIRls" every single girl other than our "MC" is the clone of the same girl with the same personalities and same looks and she's the only one who's different. So, that means the best friend and the villain are the same person, the mother of the MC and the sister of the MC are the same person but guess what we're humans. WE .ARE.NOT. THE.SAME. we all have different personalities, traits and looks. So, please instead of saying ' YOUr'e NOt LIKe OTHer GIrls" JUST SAY SOMETHING ALONG THE LINES OF " I'M DRWAN TO YOUR TRAITS" OR SMTH.
end rant~