Hello all,
Those who are wondering, where my #3 Doctor series is (Doctor's crazy Desire), then let me announce that, I unpublished it.
Reason: I realised that, I have worked more on that story. Especially with the past. So, i am adding in total 15-20 chapters only for the past.
The will date in the past and then a very heart breaking breakup. Abeer and Maira will part their ways. But after 6 years they will meet again. The story will be same. Abeer will be her replaced groom. There is a lot of drama behind it, not the simple way you all had read.
Next important thing. I have decided to work on it first, i mean be ready with a convincing draft then update the chapters.
First five chapters will be same(only minor changes which can be avoided) but from 6th chapter everything is new.
I can guarantee you all that you will love the story so much.
P.s.: I changed the name from Doctor's crazy Desire to Ember's of Desire.