Plankton: You never had a chance to defeat me fool and you know why because"-
Spongebob: Because you cheated
Plankton: No not because I cheated,because I'm an evil genius and you're just a kid, a stupid kid.
Spongebob: I guess your right Plankton I am just a kid.
Plankton: Of course I'm right, okay Neptune time"-
Spongebob: You know I've been through lot in the past six days,five minutes, twenty seven and a half seconds, and if I've learned anything during that time it's that you are who you are.
Plankton: That's right okay"-
Spongebob: And no amount of mermaid magic or managerial promotion or some other third thing can make me any more what I really am a inside a kid.
Plankton: That's great now get back baxk against the wall"-
Spongebob: But that's okay
Plankton: All right what's going on"-
Spongebob: Cuz I did what everyone said a kid couldn't do I made it to shell city and I beat the Cyclops and I read the Hasslehoff and I brought the crown back!
Plankton: All right we get the point"-
Spongebob: Oh yeah I'm a kid and I'm also a goofball and a wing not and a knuckle head.
Plankton: What's going on here?
Spongebob: But most of all I'm
Plankton: Hey settle down take it easy"-
Spongebob: I'm
Plankton: What the scouts
Spongebob: I'M A GOOFY GOOBER!