It's happening Yoshi The Corgi Is saying bye bye for a while. I hope you guys like the new and improved Yoshi The Corgi!! This will mean that my book The lengend of Fire Fox will be coming soon!!
Hey guys something I want to warn you about is All my books not at once but there going to be took down and edited to fix errors and mistakes they will be down one by one so yha don't freak out it mat not be done today put it will happen so be a aware plz
Hello all my fad followers if I get just two replys on this comment I will give a sneak peak to my book fox on main street JUST TWO all so I am going to call all of u guys (my followers) my little piggies
Hello all my amsome followers sorry if your asleep but just so u know a new book is on the way Fox on main street I might post a sneek peek chapter. So tell me if you want that thx for reading have a amsome day or night :p