
          Okay this shows just how amazing the Directioners are! Not only are we dedicated and love the boys, we’ve been crowned the scariest fandom, the best fandom two years running and we’ve even changed history! The saying hell has no rath has now hell has no rath like a directioner! We’ve had a T.V show made about us (even if it was a little offensive), we’ve broken countless records and everyone knows there’s no tighter knit community than the directioner family! We support one another, keep each other updated, and support the boys no matter what…. We’ve made the boys who they are today… a billon dollar boy band. They’ve won what seems like hundreds of awards because of us and now this! THE BEST FANFIC EVER IS BEING MADE INTO A MOVIE! HARRY YOU NEED TO READ IT! IT’S ON WATTPAD IF YOU’RE READING THIS! IT’S CALLED AFTER, THERE ARE ABOUT 3 IN THE SERIES IT IS A LITTLE DIRTY BUT HEY WE’RE DIRECTIONERS, WE CREATED LARRY STYLINSON (soz bout dat btw…  )…. WE’RE DIRECTIONER! LET US DIE YOUNG OR LET US LIVE FOREVER! WE’RE GOING DOWN IN HISTORY! PROUD MUCH? - tazzzz


that girl is being such a bitch


rude much? -sarah


ikr her older bro josh just txted me to stop being so mean to her.. she called me a yr 9 freak -leo


@crazykids4life Thanks for that follow cx