
Happy New Years guys!! I hope you all have a prosperous 2017. 


You probably won't see this but I'm sorry you had to put up with all the traumatic events probably because of your thoughts on ereri. I just wanted you to know that there is nothing wrong with shipping because everyone is allowed to have their own opinions. The people that purposely hated just didn't have anything better to do. It's been a long time since you were active but I hope you realize you did nothing wrong and some people are to close minded to realize that. I hope you're mentally ok...


@-Bucciaratitties of course i'm a girl that's what fujoshi means lol


@-Bucciaratitties too bad that won't happen ;)


@crazymak316 I know that you probably are no longer on Wattpad, but I just want to say I'm really sorry for everyone hating and berating you about shipping ereri
          I personally don't hardcore ship it I feel like everyone who is saying you are disgusting for shipping it or constantly talking it down is wrong.
          So I just wanted to say that.


@pieck_waifu if you’ve seen the comments on most of her books abt ereri then you would see why I’m saying this. But even tho yes I do understand as well. 


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@kaimeiii yes I understand but people still ship it, and how am I ruining their mental state?? I called them dumb, if they’re to sensitive to hear that then they better suck it up cause life is like that


@pieck_waifu it is pedophilia but instead of ruining their mental state w/ hateful words, you could just teach them or tell them respectfully? you realize she posted this in 2017? back then ereri was very popular which probably is why it didn't occur to them that it was wrong.


Hey there! I'm currently reading one of your fanfics, "Dating the one I hate", and i can only say, it's AWESOME. I think you're really talented (cause I know I wouldn't be able to write one chapter in such a full grammar). And i know you've probably heard this a lot, but i just wanna tell you what i think. Also, in one part of the fanfic, you wrote about yourself (i also hate writing about myself XD)... Those who are bullying you, are totall dick heads, totall idiots, bastards... (And so on, i could continue for a long time but i fortunately won't XD) I really hope, you will get less bullied in the future... 
          And if you, by any chance need someone to talk to, I'm here gurl
          I'm in 8th grade, but i still wanna make people feel better...
          Ok.. I think I wrote everything i wanted to  XD


Will you update superhuman? I already love that story!!


@books4life17382 I'm not sure when it will come out, but I am working on a update. Thank you so much for liking the story though!! I was really happy with the concept I've created for that, I just have to get back into it, as I've recently taken a break from writing. I do plan on continuing it, so your support means a lot. <3 