
Happy MerDer anniversary and Derek’s death anniversary, I hope all the Grey’s fans spend the day with comfort food reading/writing fluffy fanfics and watching MerDer edits. Love you darlings!


My friend and I have a bet and I need help!! My friend who’s a Marvel friend has heard me rant about Grey’s thinks Grey’s causes more pain than Marvel and I think that Marvel causes more pain than Grey’s. Are there any Grey’s Universe and MCU fans who can tell me which fandom causes them more pain? Thanks!


Hello! I want you to know you are an amazing person. If I don’t this back, I understand. But I have a game for you. Once you read this letter, you must send it to 15 others, including me. If you get at least 3 back, you are LOVED. Nobody knows how important something is until they lose it. Today, the person you love will realize they love you. Then be ready for the shock of your life! If you break this chain, it’s bad luck. With love, send this to 15 others, if not, you will turn ugly in one year. A friend told me to do this, so pass it on. Send this message to 15 people or bad luck happens for a whole year. Apparently, if you copy* and paste this you will have the best day of your life tomorrow! Good luck!


Hello! I want you to know you are an amazing person. If I don’t this back, I understand. But I have a game for you. Once you read this letter, you must send it to 15 others, including me. If you get at least 3 back, you are LOVED. Nobody knows how important something is until they lose it. Today, the person you love will realize they love you. Then be ready for the shock of your life! If you break this chain, it’s bad luck. With love, send this to 15 others, if not, you will turn ugly in one year. A friend told me to do this, so pass it on. Send this message to 15 people or bad luck happens for a whole year. Apparently, if you copy* and paste this you will have the best day of your life tomorrow! Good luck!


Hello! I want you to know you are an amazing person.  If I don't get this back, I understand.  But I have a game for you.  Once you read this letter, you must send it to 15 others, including me.  If you get at least 3 back, you are LOVED.  Nobody knows how important something is until they lose it.  Today, the person you love will realize they love you.  Then be ready for a shock of your life!  If you break the chain, it's bad luck.  With love, send this to 15 others, if not, you will turn ugly in one year.  A friend told my to do this, so pass it on.  Send this message to 15 people or bad luck happens for a whole year.  Apparently, if you copy* and paste this you will have the best day of your life tomorrow!  Good luck!


Hello! I want you to know you are an amazing person.  If I don't get this back, I understand.  But I have a game for you.  Once you read this letter, you must send it to 15 others, including me.  If you get at least 3 back, you are LOVED.  Nobody knows how important something is until they lose it.  Today, the person you love will realize they love you.  Then be ready for a shock of your life!  If you break the chain, it's bad luck.  With love, send this to 15 others, if not, you will turn ugly in one year.  A friend told my to do this, so pass it on.  Send this message to 15 people or bad luck happens for a whole year.  Apparently, if you copy* and paste this you will have the best day of your life tomorrow!  Good luck! 
          *I couldn't copy, so I had to write down this from memory


You have been chosen to be showered with love❤❤
          Post this on the wall of every person you think deserves all the love in the world❤
          If you get:
          1 back- you are loved❤❤
          2 back- your popular  
          3 back- you are the most lovable person out there❤❤
          9 back- wow I'm jealous  
          Don't break the chain unless u want to break someone's ❤❤❤
          ❤❤❤❤❤❤✨✨✨❤❤❤You have been chosen to be showered with love❤❤
          Post this on the wall of every person you think deserves all the love in the world❤
          If you get:
          1 back- you are loved❤❤
          2 back- your popular  
          3 back- you are the most lovable person out there❤❤
          9 back- wow I'm jealous  
          Don't break the chain unless u want to break someone's ❤❤❤


@crazypotterhead11 mood tho- I recived this mesege a couple weeks ago and still I just shared it recently  Tip for procrastination: Take it to a new level by saying: I'll procrastinate later, and you procrastinate your procrastination and bam, you're free :D


Aaaaaawwwww thank you!!!!!❤️❤️ But I stupidly decided to procrastinate my winter work so I can’t do it.