
hello friends. i figured that it had been a long enough time since posting anything indicating my wellbeing. and i don't have an excuse for that, by the way, its just circumstance and priorities. i have also taken a needed break from writing, but the past few months I've begun to get back into it. in fact, I've been working on something periodically that I'm almost ready to share. don't get too excited, though, its not a story. its just something fun that has been helping me get back into writing. because believe it or not, it is possible to get rusty after awhile. stay tuned! and maybe comment just so i know that people still follow me. 
          	ps. my real name is paige. savannah was an alias i was using just because i didn't want people from school or work finding the deep secrets of my heart poured onto the page, but as you can probably tell, i no longer care.


@creativecliche That's great that you don't care about keeping that a secret! Be free, girl! Can't wait to see what you got.


hello friends. i figured that it had been a long enough time since posting anything indicating my wellbeing. and i don't have an excuse for that, by the way, its just circumstance and priorities. i have also taken a needed break from writing, but the past few months I've begun to get back into it. in fact, I've been working on something periodically that I'm almost ready to share. don't get too excited, though, its not a story. its just something fun that has been helping me get back into writing. because believe it or not, it is possible to get rusty after awhile. stay tuned! and maybe comment just so i know that people still follow me. 
          ps. my real name is paige. savannah was an alias i was using just because i didn't want people from school or work finding the deep secrets of my heart poured onto the page, but as you can probably tell, i no longer care.


@creativecliche That's great that you don't care about keeping that a secret! Be free, girl! Can't wait to see what you got.


to everyone: i had to delete the lost and found club. its just- i hate starting things i can't commit to. 
          to those wondering why: i started the story before i knew i had to take summer school and i haven't had even an hour to myself for the past three weeks. plus- that story was going nowhere. i had no fixed plot line, no developed conflict, no sense of direction. at first i didn't mind because i didn't think anyone was going to read it but as soon as i developed an audience, writing a story half-ass didn't really fly with me anymore. 
          to everyone who supported it: thank you, it meant so much that even i, a slightly okay writer cannot form words to express just how much it meant and continues to mean. 
          to those wondering about the future: i have ideas for new stories buried deep in my mind. and august is my month off. *insert creepy smirk/wink hybrid emoji*
          to those still reading: comment, or something, so i know i'm not a crazy person talking to myself and my laptop at eleven o' clock on a thursday night. 
          love sav




It's okay, Sav. Though I'm gonna miss Cora and Owen. XD
            Can't wait for your future stories, then. :)