Hello to no one because I have no platform except my friend who doesn’t use this anymore . It’s been a long time, Wattpad, and I often forget I have this account. I’m glad to be back! This is a wonderful service for writers to get their work out there! I will be working on revising poetry, short stories, and my novel for people to read once they are polished. My novel is priority #1, so I won’t put that out there until it is finished OR officially published. There’s some embarrassing content on here of my past work, which I will leave up, despite the cringey writing. I guess it shows how I’ve grown up and where I was as a teenager (Directioner am I right?!). Thank you in advance to anyone who has read my work, I greatly appreciate it. I would love feedback once I have polished poetry/stories up here! Thank you to anyone who’s also checked out my Pinterest. Much appreciate! Pssst, my novel has its own Pinterest board .