
Hey Wattpeeps, 
          	Once again, I’m extremely sorry for my inactivity! I’ve reached an insane peak of writer’s block with my two main stories. But my Arcana book is blowing up!! Thank you guys so much for reading and enjoying the book! I’ll try to update my main stories soon! 


Hey Wattpeeps, 
          Once again, I’m extremely sorry for my inactivity! I’ve reached an insane peak of writer’s block with my two main stories. But my Arcana book is blowing up!! Thank you guys so much for reading and enjoying the book! I’ll try to update my main stories soon! 


Hey Wattpeeps,
          Sorry again for being so iNaCtIvE with all of my main stories (Asher's Trial & Where Our Futures Lie). I've had literally no time to upload aNyThInG related to my main stories. 8th gradr is cRaZy. 
          So yeah. Thanks for sticking with me.