Love is Yellow,
That spreads warmth and joy,
Love is Green,
That gives life and serenity,
Love is Blue,
That is limitless and calm, ☁️
Love is Red,
The destined color of romance & passion.
Love is light,
That has all the shades
It is everywhere and everything,
Which includes You,
You are a part of Love, too. :)
And you know what's the best part?
You get to experience all the colors. ❤️
A small poem on Love. Happy Valentine's Day everyone. ❤️
Sorry for sliding in here unannounced but would really appreciate if you could kindly read my story and perhaps leave me some reviews?
I promise it wont disappoint
Looking forwards to seeing you there!
@YoonKim005 Hi, I'm happy to know that you wish to read the sequel of More than Friends. Since MTF was based on a real story, I like its sequel to be based on that real story, too. It can only happen once real life Pallavi gets hitched/ married. She hasn't even met her life partner yet. Her love life is pretty non-existent :/. I will write once she gets engaged.
Meanwhile, you can check out my other stories & vote/ comment. Except Natasha, all of them are complete.
It's my birthdayyy today (✿^‿^)/
Just saying XD
To non-readers who follow- Hope you all check out my stories and vote/comment (•‿•)
Have a good day, everyone!
OMG! *0* I just saw a notification from @AmbassadorsIN added More than Friends and Stupid in Love to their Reading List- Romance ❤❤ It made my day. Thank you! :D