I don’t know if I’ve ever said this haha but I ride horses, I own 2, and today I went out to the barn I ride / board at this morning to groom them as kind of a lazy morning (it’s perfect on holidays and days off for me like this - very peaceful)! Well one of my two horses is ironically named Thor (funny enough that was his name when we bought him). And I get to the barn today, only to find out that there was a new horse that arrived 2 days ago and it was given the same “turn out” time and pasture as Thor! Any guesses as to what that horses name was?? :P Loki!!! Of all names!! So now the barn has a Thor & Loki! The owner of the barn told me they get along really well & that they are friends ❤️❤️
@crevans-stan Thor and Loki are such a good combination of names lol. My friend and I both have cats and she has one named Thor and I have one named Loki