


His voice went softer at the very end of the song, facial expression and stance going back to politeness, hands clasped behind him, back straight legs together, chin up, but his eyelights.. they were weary.
          "Hush, boy, oh, hush, boy"
          "Hush, girl, oh, hush, girl"
          "Play our little game
          Play our little game"
          "Play our little game
          Play our little game
          Play our little game,
          Won't you play with me?"
            The song and the music ended, and Error's shoulders slumped as he unceremoniously released Ink and returned Broomie to him, before turning and opening a portal to leave the, even before Error had arrived, mostly dead A.U. they had been fighting in. 
            "Wait!-" Ink exclaimed, and Error turned, one brow raised, Ink shifted on his feet as he put Broomie in its place on his back and said, quietly, as if in almost shame, or as close as he could get without a soul,
            "Maybe... Ma-maybe I... maybe I was- AM.. wrong..."


Error, as Ink watched and begrudgingly listened, was playing the part the whole time he sang, batting his sockets where needed, talking with his hands, even swaying to the music, all while somehow conveying he was completely serious as he went into the second chorus,
          "Hush, boy, oh, hush, boy, don't say a wor-0rd
          Throw on a jersey and no one gets hur-rrt
          Hush, girl, oh, hush, girl, just bat your eye-es
          Play our little game, play our little game"
          "Hush, boy, oh, hush, boy, don't say a wo-0rd
          Throw on a jersey and no one gets hu-u-urrt
          Hush, girl, oh, hush, girl, just bat your eyy-yes
          Play our little game, play our little game."
            During the instrumental pause, Error crossed his arms and just looked at ink, slightly, though Ink would never admit it, unnerving him and also, something else he wouldn't admit, Error was... making sense...
          "We feign opulee-ence just to get byy-y-y-y
          Put on false confidence just to feel alii-i-ive
          They can't hurt me a-a-anymore
          There's nothing left to break of me
          There's nothing left to ta-take from me."
          "'Cause, baby, it's easy to fake a sm-sm-smile
          When you've been doing it for a w-while
          Baby, it's easy to fake a smile
          When you've been doing it for a while."
            Error's voice was pointed on the "fake a smile" bit, referring to the fact that Ink doesn't have a soul, and the bit before that, it was like Error meant that, when he'd first started destroying, when he first realized that the multiverse didn't have enough room, was when he decided to reject what the creators told him he was, he knew the truth, and he knew they did too, but they wanted a bad guy.
          "Hush, boy, oh, hush, boy, don't say a wor-r-r-rd
          Throw on a jersey and no one gets hu-u-urt
          Hush, girl, oh, hush, girl, just bat your eyes
          Play our little gaa-ame, play our little game."
          "Hush, boy, oh, hush, boy, don't say a wo-0rd
          Throw on a jersey and no one gets hur-urt
          Hush, girl, oh, hush, girl, just bat your eyes
          Play our little ga-game, play our little game."


"Play us like pawns and relentlessly confi-1-ine,
          Into living up to our 'roles' and having absent minds,
          Don't you think it's funny how they tell us how to li-ive?
          Don't you think it's funny how we're all delinquent kids? 
          Like, hush-sh now, don't say, don't sa-4-a-ay..."
            A pause, then Error went into the chorus, smiling 'politely'
          "Hush, boy, oh, hush, boy, don't say a wo-0rd.
          Throw on a jersey and no one gets hu-r-rrt.
          Hush, girl, oh, hush, girl, just bat your ey-yes.
          Play our little game, play our little ga-4-ame."
            on the last line of the chorus however, he then frowned at the second "Play our little game." sockets narrowed in almost accusation.
          "Bounded all thoughts and corrected common se-3-eense
          You're raising suicidals with your predetermined titles-
          Like "a mess", "distressed", "I am- I am unimpressed", "you're excess",
          "a dress is all you'll ever be-ee".
          'Moral' roles impose control and deceive progressive tii-imes
          Welcome to the land of the broken mi-inds!


Ink struggled, but to no avail as the strings held firm, more being summoned to reinforce the restraints around his wrists, neck and ankles, the glare Error trained on Ink was piercing  and angry, and, walking up to him, Error said, his tone leaving no room for argument "N0-NOW, y0u a-4-ar3 g0-goinG t0 LI-L1StEN to m3." his arms crossed as he glared at the still livid, but now still Ink.
            "To0 m4ny, t0o maNy 4-A.U.s-s hav3 be3n cr-CrEateD, thEre's n0t en0uGh r0om 1n the mult1v3rse f0r th3m alL!!" Error began, his hands and arms moving to help express his point "And 1f th3y bumP 1nt0 eaCh 0th3r- 3itheR th3y wilL 3xpl0de, 0r maKe m0re, 3-ev3n B1GgER 4-A.U.s-s, c4us1ng utT3r. C4TASTR0PH7." Error continued, his expression and tone changing from anger to desperation.
            Ink's face said he didn't believe him.
            "D0 yoU th1nk I l1ke d0inG th1s?? hurT1ng? d3str0ying? no. I d0n't. 1 H4tE 1T." Error continued, expression pained now "But 1 h4ve n0 0th3r ch0ic3.  If 1 D0n'T d0 th1s? c0untl3ss m0r3 w1lL ceas3 t0 ex1st b3c4use 0f 70ur ign0r4nce anD stubB0rn w4ys, Ink.  Ev3n 1f I d0n't s1mpl7 g3t r1d 0f 3xtr4 exc3ss c0de!!" Error went on, Ink's expression never changing "GA-44H!- y0u'lL n3ver und3rst4nd wi-wiLl y0u?? n0thing and n0 0ne c4-caN b3 anyth1ng d1ff-differ3nt th4n wh4t th3 cr3at0rs s4y 1t 1s huH?" Error asked, hands balled into fists at his sides, willing Ink to understand, but knowing he wouldn't.
          Error sighed, and silence ensued for a moment, before a quiet, disembodied instrumental started to play, and after a few bars...


i found this in a youtube comment section and thought it was good
          "RAa-44-AAHh!!- I-1-INK!!- WHy CA-4-AN'T YoU Ju-JUsT L3-LEt M3 D0 MY JO-J0B!1?!?" Error screeched in utter frustration as the antagonistic artist managed to dodge what he perceived to be Error's attacking him, and attacking 'back' all while teasing and mocking him. 
            "What job?" Ink asked, scoffing "Taking the lives of thousands- MILLIONS of innocents on a daily basis, and destroying countless worlds without a second thought?!- WOAH!!-" he added, taking a swipe at Error with Broomie, only to be yanked off balance by Error grabbing the oversized paintbrush and yanking it so he could bitingly respond "THA-4-AT IS-1SN'T IT A-4T ALl!!- 1'Ve TO-T0LD YoU HU-HuNDR3-EDS OF-0F TIM3S!!-" "Yeah yeah, 'you have to do this else the multiverse would explode.' like I would believe that." Ink interrupted spitefully, mocking and glaring at Error as he swiftly regained control of Broomie and knocked Error several feet back.
            Error grunted, then growled at Ink, readying more strings to defend himself with, slowly becoming fed up with Ink's ignorance.  Finally, he did something neither of them were expecting, he lunged at Ink, snarling in frustration, but it was a faint, strings came from behind Ink and restrained him, tearing away his weapon too, and pulling a high-pitched noise of surprise from the artist's throat.