Hi I hope your doing well just here to check in I’m always rereading your stories I can’t wait for PYW update no rush take all the time you need
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Hey all, I just wanted to clarify something that had been a source of contention in one of my books. In chapter 22 of ‘Lockdown’, the characters are watching a news broadcast that is discussing researchers developing a vaccine for a virus in Israel. This is based on what I saw on the news during the COVID-19 pandemic and has no relation to any of my political or personal beliefs. I want to reiterate that I do NOT stand with Israel and I believe that what the Israeli government and IDF is doing is abhorrent and quite frankly, fucking disgusting. I am 100% pro Palestine and always will be.
@crimsonclare Another reason to admire your personality I appreciate your thoughts on the Israeli government and IDF, and thank you so much for supporting Palestine
Hi I hope your doing well just here to check in I’m always rereading your stories I can’t wait for PYW update no rush take all the time you need
I can’t believe Prove You Wrong will have one more chapter I love that book so much I can’t wait for the chapter once it comes out take your time with it though no rush
Thank you so much! I’m actively working on the last chapter but want to make sure it’s perfect before I publish it xx
Hey all, I just wanted to clarify something that had been a source of contention in one of my books. In chapter 22 of ‘Lockdown’, the characters are watching a news broadcast that is discussing researchers developing a vaccine for a virus in Israel. This is based on what I saw on the news during the COVID-19 pandemic and has no relation to any of my political or personal beliefs. I want to reiterate that I do NOT stand with Israel and I believe that what the Israeli government and IDF is doing is abhorrent and quite frankly, fucking disgusting. I am 100% pro Palestine and always will be.
@crimsonclare Another reason to admire your personality I appreciate your thoughts on the Israeli government and IDF, and thank you so much for supporting Palestine
Hey author , hope you're doing well ...when are you going to update PROVE YOU WRONG ?
I don’t have an exact date yet but I am actively working on finishing the chapter! x
THANK YOU 1 million reads on ‘LOCKDOWN’. Thank you so much for reading and supporting my story. I started writing on Wattpad back in 2018 when I was struggling with my sexuality, and I could never have imagined my stories would have been read at all, let alone read by 1 million people. I’m so grateful. Thank you, everyone.
Greetings, I hope you are doing fine. I am posting this message here so you can see that I'm DESPERATELY waiting for your return. You're one of my favourite writers here. I totally love your work. I reread them often. Seriously. SO NOW A REQUEST, PLEASEEEE DROP SOME UPDATES... ♡ Wish you lots of luck, success, happiness and peace. Cheers.
Thank you so much for reading my works :) I am slowly working on the third and final chapter of ‘Prove You Wrong’, and after that will get back into working on ‘Fifty Shades of G’day’. I promise I will finish both of them eventually. It is just taking some time due to other life commitments.
Hi I just found the same book in another language. I think someone stole it.
I deleted your story Isolation from my Library after reading (and re-reading) it and now got stumbled up on it to be able to drop by here in your profile, well, you change the story cover heheh.
NEW UPLOAD: PROVE YOU WRONG So I had a few spare days with nothing going on so I decided to pull my head out of my ass and smash out chapter 2 of ‘Prove You Wrong’ after three years of the unedited draft sitting in my notes. Thanks for your patience and I really hope you enjoy it. Let me know your thoughts in the comments xx
Hey author, hope your doing okay, just wondering are you gonna continue Fifteen shades of gday and prove me wrong?
Hey! I’m very slowly working on both but I don’t have an upload date I can give you just yet. Both are taking a back seat at the moment as I’ve got a lot going on in life right now. They’re both fully planned out and I will finish them both eventually.
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