
No hate to anyone but I can't believe that there's a story called "Jake the panty ripper" which has more views and votes than amazing books/poetry by some of my great friends on this app, it's so saddening that pure art is never given the recognization it deserves and its always overpowered by something that's not even close to being considered "art" :(


@yusras_fanpage AHHHHHHHHHH NO NOT ANGEL. You're my most loved baby, sweet sunshine!!


No hate to anyone but I can't believe that there's a story called "Jake the panty ripper" which has more views and votes than amazing books/poetry by some of my great friends on this app, it's so saddening that pure art is never given the recognization it deserves and its always overpowered by something that's not even close to being considered "art" :(


@yusras_fanpage AHHHHHHHHHH NO NOT ANGEL. You're my most loved baby, sweet sunshine!!


this message may be offensive
This quarantine has done to me opposite to what it has done to other passion followers. I am so uninspired because I can't go out and allow myself to get influenced by live events and get absorbed in the real beauty of things as they happen the way they are supposed to happen plus I have been submerged in dark foul paint state of mind because my plans for the future were forced to be turned due to well you know.. some people are fucking assholes who can't understand the basic rules of hygiene and social distancing and honestly, it hurts and burns my soul but I am trying to dig into something or anything and drag that burning passion out of me. 
          If you are still here then thank you so much for being so patient with me. I am trying my best. 
          Sending love to you I hope you're safe xxx


hii so i just wanted to ask, did you unpublish god's gift before? Because literary_elegance(apparently im not supposed to reveal her name lmao) would just not shut up about it, and when i decided to check it out, it wasn't there. oh and i think i remember your bio and your username being different (crimsonthoughts right?) im not a stalker i swear. lol.


@moonlightxfrost Hey love. Thank you for taking your time to check out my work, to answer you yes I did unpublish God's Gift due to some issues and complications. And after a lot of pestering from literary_elegance herself I'm finally having the courage to be back at writing again. You can check out that I have slowly started re-publishing God's Gift again. Do check that out!! 
            So much love. Rx


I am so excited to be back to what defines me the most; Writing. I can't believe I put it down because I wasn't feeling it, and I realised I was running from the only thing that could save me. So glad to be back! Oh, you are definitely not ready for what is about to come in your way.


also this is a very good opportunity.. Do that yoga, finish reading that book, open that youtube channel, write those thoughts, learn that guitar, scream those lyrics. Do whatever makes you happy but stay healthy and safe. I love you.