I'm in my Hunger Games phase rn, so I've decided to make a Peeta Mellark fanfic because I'm a Peeta girlie. The first chapter is a work in process, but I'm enjoying it so far :)
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I'm in my Hunger Games phase rn, so I've decided to make a Peeta Mellark fanfic because I'm a Peeta girlie. The first chapter is a work in process, but I'm enjoying it so far :)
I'm in my Hunger Games phase rn, so I've decided to make a Peeta Mellark fanfic because I'm a Peeta girlie. The first chapter is a work in process, but I'm enjoying it so far :)
What's your favorite trope?
@ crimsonlightening childhood friends to strangers to lovers, i hate everyone but you (i can't love anyone but you) and it needs to be slow burn obv
@reysdriver Ooooh! Those ones are great! I personally love slow burn and mutual (oblivious) pining
I accidentally made three people fall for me in less than 3 hours... Oops.
Last Friday was my prom, so I'm considering doing a chapter about it using HP characters because OH MY GOD
The new chapter (Oliver Wood) is coming out in a few hours, be on the lookout :)
Please bully me to write faster :)
I’m laughing at how many notifications I’m getting rn
As I'm sure some of you have noticed, I've unpublished my Harry Potter oneshots book. I have a lot going on right now, including going through heartbreak, so I've decided to take it down, so I don't have to stress about updating, how many likes I get, or how to respond to comments. These past few months have been an absolute rollercoaster of emotions and I don't want to write disappointing chapters, so I haven't written anything. As a reminder, for those who need it, some guys are unintentional assholes. No matter how nice they may seem, or how hard they try to spare your feelings, if they aren't honest, they aren't worth it. Besides, fictional characters and celebrities are better than that pile of wanna be 6'4" piece of shit, so send you're fuck you flip flops right up his ass. I don't know when I'll republish the chapters, but, when I do, it'll probably be when I'm completely over the guy I've been into and there will be new chapters. Thanks for understanding :)
@crimsonlightening yeah i realized that as soon i as i sent my comment. i was like i should let her know just in case
@eunoiamind Thank you so much for clarifying, I was actually looking through my following list earlier and wondered where you were
@moonyswifey34 I ended up confessing my feelings to him and he was so vague about his answer, but I decided to shove it aside because of the aforementioned shit he has to deal with. A little over two months passed before I asked him to be straight up with me about how he feels and in one message, he said he likes me, but is too busy to be in a relationship, then, in the very next message, he wrote, "I only see you as a friend right now." I decided to take the latter as my answer. Two weeks passed where I started journalling again to release everything (I handwrote over 120 pages almost entirely about him) and finally started to move on. That was until a few days ago when I saw him for the first time in a while in a shared class and we spent the entire time talking and joking around since we had nothing better to do. When he went to the bathroom, he sent me two messages about him wanting to sit with another girl at lunch that day and that he's into her and still wants to be my friend. I, of course, played it off as if I'm not still into him, and pretended I was fine when he got back). Well, later that day, I saw his car was still in the parking lot after school and he usually leaves early to get to work, so I dmed him to ask why he was still there and he said his job gave him a 6 week break and he was hanging out with the girl. I looked over from my car and finally noticed the second head. Later that night, my friend and I were chatting while my cousin and I were on a call and we thought we knew who the girl was, so I took a look at her account and saw his initials in her bio. I immediately went to his account, saw the same thing, put the pieces together, and figured out that he was stringing me along the entire time because he just liked my attention and the fact that I was one of a few people to listen to him. He never really liked me like that, he was just using me and I was stupid to ignore all the red flags he'd given off since September.
Hey, just wondering if you took down the harry potter one-shots book?
@imnotregulusblack idk, i'm going through a lot at the moment and i don't want to stress about stuff regarding the book
Who gave me the AUDACITY?? SO, I went to a school dance tonight (the first one in three years), and shit went down. I asked the guy I'm kind of into to split the couple's ticket with me, he left me waiting on the cold for nearly half an hour, made me cry, and pissed me off, so I danced with a random guy in front of him, then the dude I danced with stalker me for a bit. Well, I told the guy I went with and he got SUPER protective and is planning on calling him out in a class they share. I want to hate the guy I went with, but he's honestly a good person, but he's also leading me on. Idk what to do, but he was staring at me while I was dancing...
@Guineapig2448 Thanks for the advice. I've already lost so much respect for him because of that night and I've indirectly called him out in a way that he can probably figure is about him. Idek, he hasn't replied to my last message.
@crimsonlightening You’re worth so much more. If someone leaves you in the cold for that long, you should not continue to try and pursue them
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