
Hellenic (Greek) heritage month starts tomorrow!!


@PitLissa22 that's part of the reason I haven't been on here in a while. I was worried they'd convinced everybody I was the bad guy when I'm really not. I'm Pretty sure I know who the anon going around on Tumblr is but I don't have proof yet. I'm just quietly waiting for her to tell on herself. Until then I'm just laying low and enjoying life. I do appreciate you letting me talk about it though


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@crimsonprincess74 don't let him get to you I've been staying off Twitter and Tumblr too I just reply to my messages and post a couple pictures of Roman after Smackdown or pay-per-view I don't even respond to bullshit drama they're just all childish bitches who need to grow up ignore them that's what gets them maybe if you're not responding to give up never know they're all little Witches that little m e causing drama


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@crimsonprincess74 of course I believe you there's a lot of haters out there they just want the attention is bullshit it's been going on for a couple other people that I know they've took hiatus from Tumblr too whoever is doing this doesn't have the guts to actually say who they are and it's fucking pathetic grow up already that's all I got to say it's how this we're all adults if you have something to say say your name with it


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I'm trying my best not to react to the bullshit and drama on Tumblr but it's hard. I'm tired of being blamed for something I didn't do and have never done because some psycho couldn't handle me putting my foot down and saying "I've had enough!" I'm tired of this shit and she needs to move tf on and leave me tf alone.  


@PitLissa22 they think it's me sending those anons and it's not. I've barely been on Tumblr aside from talking to the few close mutuals I have. I've been working on myself and staying away from the places that trigger me the most (Tumblr, Twitter) I was getting anon hate before I left there to but they forget that. 


@PitLissa22 this has been going on for 7 months but I'm glad that at least you believe me. Before no one did but that makes me feel a lot better knowing that y'all see the crap I've been dealing with. 


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@crimsonprincess74 wtf's on her not u stupid people being jealous Witches know it's hard but ignore them that's how they get their fucking asses soon they will move on