
So sorry for long add hiatus. Forgot my password and no longer use the email I gave for wattpad so couldn't change it. Finally found the password. Had it written some where. Just updated part four of my kjmilla story. I had written that part 4 months ago. Lolol next part will be up next week.


ta wiadomość może być obraźliwa
I'm leaving wattpad things are shit and I give up on litterly everything so bye 


Guys I'm gonna take a break from writing for a bit I will still be in wattpad I've just been go through some emotional crap and the things I write about are personal and emotional to me and when I write they bring back bad memories so for while I just need to focus on myself. I also want to make some friends on here cuz recently I've been feeling like I've lost alot of my irl friends and I just don't feel well emotionally. I'm sorry I will update once i feel less like crap lol.