
(  normally  don’t  make  these  requests  but  please  #Drop  fluff  please  i  need  it  ❤️  )


this  is  (ours),   draga.    the  whole  place  :D
          *    their  apartment ,,  they  deserve  it !! 


I  TRIED  TO  BE  GOOD,  @crinkledeyes :
            {  with  a  contagiously  giddy  smile  mara  watches  her  wife  spin,   sitting  on  the  top  of  the  couch  like  she's  surveying  a  kingdom  rather  than  an apartment.   }    what're  we  gonna  hang  up  first ?   you  think  they'll  let  us  put  up  wallpaper,   like  kris  and  five  can ?   :D 


@livingdeaths-   |
            oh,  the  things  we  could  do.  the  corners  we  could  decorate.  (  klaus  spins  around,  holding  their  arms  out  in  the  air.  )  i  can’t  wait  to  poke  a  million  holes  in  the  wall.  :D
            /  more  than  anyone  ever!!  tbh!!


you  look  beautiful  either  way,   persona  mea.   


I  TRIED  TO  BE  GOOD,  @crinkledeyes :
            depends  on  where  we  go.   i  ain't  letting  you  collapse  in  a  mall  just  'cause  we're  both  indecisive  and  went  with  the  overheating  option.   {  with  a  small  smile  mara  crouches  down,  grabbing  the  jackets  to  examine  them  further.  }    i  think  this  one  works  better  with  today's  outfit,   if  that's  any  help.   the  colors  mesh  well.


@livingdeaths-   |
            (  klaus  drops  the  jackets  on  the  ground,  sighing.  )  soooo  many  choices..  and  only  one  body.  i  wonder  what  would  happen  if  i  wore  both  at  once.  layering  is  a  trend,  no?


can  i  wear  one  of  these?    's  (cold).


I  TRIED  TO  BE  GOOD,  @crinkledeyes :
            {  this  approval  is  all  mara  needs  to  reach  for  the  shirt  she's  been  eyeing  since  the  cold  air  set  in,  tugging  it  over  her  frame  in  one  swift  motion.  typically  she'd  indulge  in  their  clothes  without  asking,   but  she's  hesitant  to  rob  him  of  warmth  the  longer  winter  seems  to  linger.  }   i  share  my  clothes  with  you..  what  i  can,   anyway.   you're  welcome  t'  look  for  missing  shirts  :)   how  does  this  one  look ?


@livingdeaths-   |
            mon  lapin..  anything  that’s  mine  is  yours.  take  it.  it  can  even  become  yours  if  you  like  it  enough!  


i  don't  want  you  to  leave.


I  TRIED  TO  BE  GOOD,  @crinkledeyes :
            obviously.   {  the  half-awake  attempt  at  a  joke  comes  in  tandem  with  her  cuddling  closer  to  their  chest,   choosing  to  dismiss  her  self-restraint  for  just  a  little  longer.  }    i  would  choose  bein'  here  with  you  over  anything.   even  if  you  were  worse  than  those  bus  stop  benches.    ( .. )    you  sure  you  don't  mind ?  


@livingdeaths-   |
            i  [SUPPOSE]  i  can  be  late  to  work..  besides.  if  anything,  i’ll  just  fake  sick.  ‘kay?  it’s  too  cozy…  plus,  your  body  is  more  comfortable  than  sitting  and  scheduling  haircuts.  