A good poem is read for the raw heart to heal,
But, for the heart that has already moved on— it breezes through like a light wind rustling the leaves,
It wont make your heart ache or anything,
but it touches a distant memory, ever so slightly, to make you philosophical,
It even puts a smile on your face, remembering the stupidities of an aching heart .
Yes, with time you won't care for any answers or questions,
And acquaintances, friends, best friends, families and lovers, who were close once, become strangers,
Yet, that is natural, it is the nature's way to heal you,
Because, that means you have moved on, leaving the past behind with its pointless blaming.
Peace and love, you will always find, only if you seek it.
This journey of yours is on a path to find yourself,
So, putting your faith in the solutions of another is just a phase,
You will cross that too, until you seek no one, and what you need will knock on your door, asking to be part of your journey.
Just another poem inspired by an announcement I read.