
          i wuldd thankk you frum the bottom of my heartt, but for you my heartt has no bottom :] 
          meaninq :: thankk you for becominq my fan! i know most people don't do this, but i just had to. && i need to thankk my fans for becominq a fan! you rockk & are the reason i write! :]
          i love you! not likk that...but you know whatt i mean!! but seriously, you made my day!! 


Hello Im Chikita
          I was wondering if you could pleaz read my stories called
           'I stole form him and he loves me...why?' && 'Why do things always happen to me' I really need some feedback and could you pleaz vote&&comment and possibly become a fan. Im pretty sure you'll like it :)) Thanks if you read it Id really apricate a vote!!!