
Hi, I’m still alive
          	I unintentionally made a funny
          	My name everywhere was “totally a human GIRL” for a long time, like I was tryna be convincing
          	That took a hard-ass turn into trans masc territory lol


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Fuckin hell, my Wattpad had a stroke or something today and JUST let me start to do stuff again, like, holy shit, it’s almost been 20 hours since it let me do anything, this is a more than mildly upsetting event!


@Totally-a-human-girl the same thing happened to me!!!


I’m gonna Llamas With Hats quote until I feel good enough to not cry....
          That’s what forgiveness is, screaming and then silence
          My tummy was making the rumblies, that only hands could satisfy
’s not working.... fuuuuuuuuuuuuu-


Sorry that I have been quiet, I’ve been a kind of busy bean who’s too self conscious about my writing to post anything since none of it lives up to the expectations I have set for it.... and life has been distracting in all the good ways...
          I’m gonna go now, my human will not be happy with my two hours of sleep.... cya


A potato and an egg can be boiled in water and come out different, one hardens, the other becomes mush... just like eggs and potatoes, put into the same circumstances almost everyone will react different... but see, the egg questions why the potato is different, why it doesn’t react the same... even mocking it....
          Don’t be like that one single egg, instead, be nice, cause you don’t know how someone might’ve taken a joke...