
getting attacked on twit for liking byler so im moving to wattpad 


you know what I want to do? just fuckin apologize to everyone in 6th grade who still was friends with me even when I was going through a sexuality crisis. I hope they're all doing ok [wronged] every single time I remember little old me going "hey have you ever thought about what your sexuality is?" a little part of me dies I swear 


this message may be offensive
I want to wrote a formal apology for all the people who knew and met me during my haikyuu!! phase. I shipped many things including fanon couples which, tbh,  is very cringey (LMAOAOOA FUCKING DAISUGA QND THAT MOM AND DAD STUFF THAT PEOPKE LOVED WHERE DID THAT COME FROM) anyways, it's been almost a year now and I have grown and yeah. 


(btw this is all sarcasm but I probably did a bunch of just morally wrong things during the whole haikyuu! shenanigans LOLL)


turned off authocoreect vexaise i though it would be fun knai


look at me im do good at typing


ao3 writers writing their "taking a little break" chapter after writing a 20 chapter masterpiece with amazing writing and uploading everyday: 
          "hey guys I'm sorry but I'm gonna need a little break! my dog died, my cat died, my cow got cancer, school is stressing me out, my house got burned down, I got my leg cut off and I'm having huge surgery tomorrow so I'm gonna need just a short break! <3"


are they ok? idk they took a break