
* / ; will get to responding & sending starters soon ! i’ve been a bit busy as of late , but they’ll happen soon !


                    NOBODY’S LISTENING TO ME. 
          cb  below  for  a  starter  ;  specify  the  
          mood  !


/⠀⠀injured pls


♯ ✉  ༄ ࿐ ࿔* ;   @crusaderhymns
            / yes absolutely


            / you know exactly where im gonna go for angst dont tou


/ we dun goofed
          a gasp escaped himari's lips, feeling the redhead's soft lips press against her forehead. the girl blinked, before she composed herself. she pressed her hand to her mouth, desperately trying to obscure the red dusting her cheeks from the male's vision, "you actually—you actually did that, huh?"


♯ ✉ ༄ ࿐ ࿔* ;   @crusaderhymns
            she huffs, choosing to let it be. she be monchin', she be chompin'. "the hell do you think i would be embarassed about, huh?" himari you are one foot into your grave


** //; @c-crystalcrusader 
            “well, if you say so, but your /cherry/-red face says something different.” “give me a break,” jotaro huffed, leaning back in his seat & tilting his cap over his eyes. “so noisy.”


♯ ✉ ༄ ࿐ ࿔* ;   @crusaderhymns
            "nO—! why would i be embarassed??" she scoffed, popping another cherry in her mouth and chomping on it agressively. as if her face isn't as red as the same mfing cherry. jotaro shhh


this message may be offensive
the sea breeze was cool, a tinge of the scent of salt present in the air. himari breathed in, a hand playing with the curl that hung over kakyoin's face, the redhead leaning on her shoulder. she didn't know if he was awake or asleep, and she didn't want to move her head to see if he was. not wanting to disturb his slumber, the girl let him be. instead, she looked over to the older woman seated on the other side of the tiny boat they were cramped in.
          carmen had acted more like a mother to her than her actual mother during the entirety of them knowing each other, which hasn't even been an entire twenty four hours. she sighed, thoughts wandering back to her family. she went over all the times they actually speaked to each other normally, which wasn't all that much, and most of the time they were forced to. she remembered the feelings of being silenced, of being trapped, and overall─the feelings of shittiness.
          however, carmen─and the entire gang─made her feel otherwise.
          honeycolor eyes snapped over to her direction─shit─her own golden ones widened as she flinched, jolting the male on her shoulder out of his slumber.
          double shit.
          "a-ah, hi carmen-san!"
          ♯ ✉ ┇; this was the best i could do im sorry-


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♯ ✎ ┇; @crusaderhymns
            / HOOO LAWD
            she blinked, now acknowledging the hat that was still perched atop her head. she had a quick existential crisis.
            ah, jotaro.
            himari was reminded of her infatuation towards the younger joestar as well, suddenly panicking. "oh shit—" she choked, desperately trying to play it off as nothing, "oh, yeah. i forgot about that, aha—!"
            himari, you big, big fucking fool.
            the man laying in carmen's lap hummed contentedly, "i forgot how good you are at this," he said, a small laugh escaping him. 


** //; @c-crystalcrusader 
            he glanced at jotaro’s hat, snickering. he pulled it down over her face a bit, grinning . “ you should probably give jotaro-san his hat back soon.”
            she caressed his cheek for a split second before adjusting, carefully placing one of his hands ontop of hers so she could take one of his hairties.


♯ ✎ ┇; @crusaderhymns
            she gave him a bright grin, moving to pinch his cheeks. this is so wholesome i don't even know what to say i—
            he hummed, "if it's no trouble, please do." the male said, subtly nuzzling into her hand as she patted his cheek. 