
Hey guys! Kelcy here! We're really sorry for a lack of updates, but school and such is keeping us pretty busy. We'll get back on track with "Darling I'm a Nightmare Dressed Like a Daydream" as soon as we can! But in the meantime, I'm going to be writing a story, it's not band related, but I'm hoping you'll all check it out! I'll probably have the first chapter up tomorrow! Thank you all for your support, we really appreciate it!


Hey guys! Kelcy here! We're really sorry for a lack of updates, but school and such is keeping us pretty busy. We'll get back on track with "Darling I'm a Nightmare Dressed Like a Daydream" as soon as we can! But in the meantime, I'm going to be writing a story, it's not band related, but I'm hoping you'll all check it out! I'll probably have the first chapter up tomorrow! Thank you all for your support, we really appreciate it!