heyyy.. saflin. i dropped one of my damn cards and i can't find it.

/* cx "i /do/ say so." ranger glanced back at her for a moment before continuing to walk forwards. "you're slow. hurry up." he uttered, noticing the little bit of distance that was now in between the two of them.

@dressingups >> lmao tgnsj “ alright, if you say so... “ safalin replied as she timidly following behind ranger . she fidgeted with her hands a bit, feeling nervous for some unknown reason . the straw on her hat bounced as she trailed behind the other floor master .

/* i did so it had to be fixed lol cx "they might. you can't trust any of those bastards." ranger gave an almost dramatic sigh and tugged safalin behind himself for only a moment or so before letting go, switching up the card he was using to hide his mouth. "yes. i am. he hasn't left the prize exchange anyways.. i don't think." he shrugged, heading down the hallway to the monitor room with her.