


YAYYY I LOVE WRITING THIS STORY SO MUCH, STAR is the kid and person with that personality that I always wanted. Good news is I do have most of those things, I HAVE THE ENERGY, and creativity and all the likes and dislikes. I just wish everyone could always be that happy. I'm going to be completely honest, because of my ADHD and other diagnosis, the characters I make up in my head are the only reason I am happy! Even with all of this going on rn I SWEAR I AM THE HAPPIEST I have EVER been after I made these characters in that story. Without them I'd still be hollow and people would never stop calling me emo BAHAHAHAHA. But thus being said, I hope this story may shine that same inspiration to others like me, show them that it's not always happy, but you can try and trying will get you somewhere.
          If anyone knows that it's me! To keep walking up that hill takes a lot of energy and health, but think about how you will feel when you are on top of that hill. And embrace it.

