
I'm gay for Caesar


Hey guys! It's Kai here (aka FaqinGayVirus)
          I just wanted to tell you all that I'll be quitting Wattpad. I know I've said this a lot of times now, but I will be quitting wattpad for real this time. The reason why is because My class is starting soon and because of my personal problems. But if I have time, I'll promise I'll check on you. As you all know my uncle recently died, and this caused a lot of problems, And  I also have to focus on my studies and because my parents are strict, they won't let me use my phone when classes start. I love you all and I'll miss you all! Bye guys!


@SigilOfAnarchy Ok dad I won't cry but you guys won't cry *le hugs*


@FaqinGayVirus *hugs* 
            Don't cry child!