Margaret McCarthy.
Trained as a weapon. Trying to find peace. Known to be detached and emotionless by those who haven’t found what’s behind her steel gaze.
She resides in a city along the east coast of the U.S. called Aureus City— often nicknamed The Gilded City. Its surface-deep charm and beauty tends to draw people in, but peeling back its layer of gold reveals something more ugly underneath.
However, there are those who take it upon themselves to manage the corruption beneath. Heroes. Vigilantes. Outlaws. They have many names, but in Aureus they are Roofwalkers.
Among these Roofwalkers, there is Zero. Urban legend has people believing that a machine patrols the streets at night, manufactured to surpass humans in combat and create constructs of hard light. A cryptic android with an unusual desire for justice.
They saw metal and forgot about flesh. She doesn’t correct them.
Margaret McCarthy.
Aka Zero.