Depression is like having a gun pointed to your head, but the worst part is that you never know when depression will pull the trigger and end your life.
Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun SHINee.
We love you and always will.
Hai kak! Mampir yuk ke work aku. Cast-nya Byun Baekhyun loh. Kali aja syuka ^^ Jangan lupa juga Voment.
FF Baekhyun - Cold
Hai! Aku gak tau caranya promosi, jadi silakan langsung cek work baruku. Judulnya White Knight, castnya Baekhyun.
Gak janji bakal bagus karena masih dalam tahap belajar. Tapi aku bakal berusaha semaksimal mungkin ; )
Depression is like having a gun pointed to your head, but the worst part is that you never know when depression will pull the trigger and end your life.
Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun SHINee.
We love you and always will.