
I miss everything so bad


Hi guys I'm sorry for not answering to your comments or messages.(。•́︿•̀。) I've been really busy since my school is drowning us with works and exams...and I recently had to do the covid test since one of my acquaintance which is in the same class with me is positive including his family. Please pray for him I hope everyone is doing well and may god bless you.
          I'm working on a bakugou x reader too. I'll publish it once I finish writing everything till the end. It may take a while because I'm learning how to draw and get an anime art style. I'm still learning the anatomy.


@Ghost_Writerx thank you(╥﹏╥)♥♥ I hope you are doing well too♡


heyy !! thanks for adding my story to your reading list ^^ hope u enjoyed it !! dont be shy to give me any advice or your rating ^^


@-MI1KBREAD I can't wait to read you're book! I'll gladly vote every chapter(´∀`)♡


Hello!!! I really didn't get time to talk to you, but I'm Iris, AKA the author of Princess Marinette of China and England. And uhh... You were the one who posted that 1.1 k + reply comment! Tbh, I laughed a lot that your comment got so famous! But just wanted to ask if you're still active on Wattpad! Really glad to make your acquaintance and thanks a lot for getting your comment to those many replies, cuz that made me so famous lol Thanks a lot! I hope you are well and take care!


@Iris_Lolirock_ omg I forgoted about that there's so many replies so I didn't read them lol. I'm glad to make your acquaintance as well! You're welcome hahaI hope you are well too and take care!


Let's all be honest guys...our sleeping schedule change cuz its quarantine 


@reverse_falls2007 yes, yes it does
            \( ̄︶ ̄*\ )


This morning I went to bed at 4 am (without my parents knowing) and woke up at 2 parents force me to wake up


hi there, love! tysm for the follow! have an awesome day! <3


@reverse_falls2007 ofc! i’m glad i made you happy! :>


@-infinitehugs aww. Yup, it is a nice way. I feel happy, thank you!!!