
My mom seriously just called deku(mha) "The stupid looking homo one" 


@crystal4lions I laughed. Im so sorry. Forgive me


@crystal4lions  damn- that's what my mom calls me 


Hi, I'm Jea Marie and trying to promote my work like most writers do. 
          I'm currently writing a Teen Fiction Romance Drama that already has 9+ chapters with 3,000 - 4,000 words per chapter. 
          I'm enjoying writing it and I thought you would enjoy reading it. My story is called Voiceless Love. I hope the description catches your eye. 
          Thanks for reading! 


Imagine if millions of deep sea creatures are slowly swimming up to the surface and one day, their gonna take over all forms of water and the rich would leave and go to a dif planet.
          This explains the weird fishes and stuff people find, the rest just hasn't made it yet.