To all the Doctor Who fans: Someone asked me when did the 10th Doctor met Cherise? The thing is, she wasn’t actually in the show. When I wrote my fanfic, I wanted to make it stand out, so I put the Doctor in a situation where he could meet the main character. Yes, she is an insert character, but she serves as a love interest for him. In my experience with reading some Doctor Who fanfiction, many authors tend to kick off their stories with scenes from the episodes that they’ve seen.
However, my fanfiction picks up after Rose's storyline and before Martha and Donna come into play.
I noticed that gap and decided to explore it creatively. So, when he’s not with Cherise, he’s off somewhere time traveling having other adventures. That’s why, sometimes Cherise asks him where has he been.
The Doctor's a time traveler and really hates traveling alone. And after losing Rose, he felt pretty lonely, which made it the perfect backdrop for my fanfic. I hope this isn't too far off from what some of you are used to reading but I like to create my original stories, so I wanted to bring something fresh to My Immortal by bringing in my originality.