
this message may be offensive
hi everyone. im not dead i promise. and no i didn’t go to jail for manslaughter or lose all my belongings in a hurricane or some shit like all those wild author’s notes lmao
          	i have NO idea who’s going to read this- probably no one since this is a dead account- but i wanted to explain why i haven’t been active or written in over a year and why i will probably never come back to wattpad haha (bad news sorry lmao). i am SOO thankful for all of you readers, even if you never comment or like or interact, just knowing you’re there has helped me grow as a writer and stay motivated through the years. and if you have commented and shown your support and love for my stories… i definitely have your username memorized LMAO. but being on wattpad has also… boxed me in, if that makes sense? i feel like i was only writing what would be popular (looking at glamour and paramour… lol hated that fucking book). so in order to better myself as an author, i knew i had to break away from all my current stories on wattpad- yes, even my absolute fav, cliche. 
          	so i stopped all my wips, sat down, and cranked out a 90k ya fantasy novel that i’ve been working on since november 2022 and that i JUST finished now (like literally rn). insane. i’ve never felt prouder of a piece of writing than i am now. i’m going to heavily edit it, send it out to beta readers, market it on social media, and send the manuscript to agents, all with the hopes of getting published one day. i just wanted to come on here and thank everyone since you all have been such an integral part of my journey, no matter how small you think your contributions have been. 
          	it’ll probably be years until i can hopefully publish, but if i ever do, stay on the lookout for the story of sage and mav :) 
          	ty ly for the very last time, 
          	lorren <3


@crystallinetiaras love ur books a lot so don’t ever hate it and just a help that book was awesome no need to hate it


@Kill_the_fouth_wall omg thank you so muchhhh <3333 and literally dw you would NEVER catch me with one of those vulgar covers I promise ;0 


@crystallinetiaras congrats on your novel. I'm sure it will be a delight to read, I'm so happy you found your Passion back. I swear even if it takes like $100 I will buy your book. Do me a favor tho don't put vulgar coverpage cause my parents won't buy me that


this message may be offensive
hi everyone. im not dead i promise. and no i didn’t go to jail for manslaughter or lose all my belongings in a hurricane or some shit like all those wild author’s notes lmao
          i have NO idea who’s going to read this- probably no one since this is a dead account- but i wanted to explain why i haven’t been active or written in over a year and why i will probably never come back to wattpad haha (bad news sorry lmao). i am SOO thankful for all of you readers, even if you never comment or like or interact, just knowing you’re there has helped me grow as a writer and stay motivated through the years. and if you have commented and shown your support and love for my stories… i definitely have your username memorized LMAO. but being on wattpad has also… boxed me in, if that makes sense? i feel like i was only writing what would be popular (looking at glamour and paramour… lol hated that fucking book). so in order to better myself as an author, i knew i had to break away from all my current stories on wattpad- yes, even my absolute fav, cliche. 
          so i stopped all my wips, sat down, and cranked out a 90k ya fantasy novel that i’ve been working on since november 2022 and that i JUST finished now (like literally rn). insane. i’ve never felt prouder of a piece of writing than i am now. i’m going to heavily edit it, send it out to beta readers, market it on social media, and send the manuscript to agents, all with the hopes of getting published one day. i just wanted to come on here and thank everyone since you all have been such an integral part of my journey, no matter how small you think your contributions have been. 
          it’ll probably be years until i can hopefully publish, but if i ever do, stay on the lookout for the story of sage and mav :) 
          ty ly for the very last time, 
          lorren <3


@crystallinetiaras love ur books a lot so don’t ever hate it and just a help that book was awesome no need to hate it


@Kill_the_fouth_wall omg thank you so muchhhh <3333 and literally dw you would NEVER catch me with one of those vulgar covers I promise ;0 


@crystallinetiaras congrats on your novel. I'm sure it will be a delight to read, I'm so happy you found your Passion back. I swear even if it takes like $100 I will buy your book. Do me a favor tho don't put vulgar coverpage cause my parents won't buy me that


omg Genre, the sequel to my favorite story that I wrote called Cliche, is out ? woah 
          yeah it is. like one chapter. i wrote four so far so
          i suck at advertising but if you’ve been looking for it here it is after 528273 years 
          “oh my god genre is so fire ” -someone after reading it probably idk it has like 1 read rn 


Hey new reader here. Just wanted ask  about genre, cliché's sequel. Did you publish it or  working on it? Cause I can't find it.


Aww thx for publishing


hi I published it ahahahaha . yeah :) 


hi !! i havent published genre yet but i have written about 4 chapters ? I’ll publish it asap and notify you when it’s out! :) thank you for reading cliche </3


last year I posted happy lunar new year and I lost two followers  yall sus
          but 新年快乐大家 !! 
          yes I’m alive 


thank you !! ly </3333


@crystallinetiaras yay!! i'm not chinese, but happy new year <3


UPDATE FALL FROM GRACE NOW this is not a request its a demand


damn that sounded passive aggressive i included a bunch of emojis lmaoo


i don’t care 


@the-blossoms NOOO i havent written poetry in forever