
Hey there !!
          	I was planning to update the next chapter of "Eldest" today, but since I was travelling for the whole week , I couldn't write much as I expected :( 
          	So , it will take me a few days more to update the next chapter, hope you all will understand, like always ❤️ 
          	Thankyou ❣️


Hi , when will be next update.   


@Vaishali308 not very sure about it dear , I am way too demotivated to write anything nowadays.. :( 
            Seems like the last chapter turned out to be a disaster... So I am barely having any intrest to write further.. but sometimes certain things rushes to mind , and I am typing them down .. so hopefully I will be done in a week or two...  Thanks for being so patient with me ❤️


Hi. Are you going to update today ?


@VaishnaviMore6  :( no dear , most probably I won't be able to update it for a few more days. .. My classes is going on full swing .. so is my lab ... Record works are such headaches.. so yeah, I am busy with all that.. but I will try to update as soon as possible. I have a good number of paragraphs to write inorder to complete the chapter , till I have planned. Hopefully we will catch back soon... So sorry for the delay.. and thankyou so much for your patience ❤️


Hi reader, I invite you to read my new book on my profile and give it a try. 
          I hope would enjoy it. 
          It's is story set in Medieval India based on Princess of Manyakheta, Rajkumari Chandralobbe and Prince of Vajraashtra, Yuvraj Vatsaraja. 
          Both are powerful kingdoms and I promise you it will intrigue you! 
          Thank you in advance!


Hey there !!
          I was planning to update the next chapter of "Eldest" today, but since I was travelling for the whole week , I couldn't write much as I expected :( 
          So , it will take me a few days more to update the next chapter, hope you all will understand, like always ❤️ 
          Thankyou ❣️