
Hey everyone! I have an announcement! Me and my friends are creating a Voice Acted series called "Project Aveline"!! Of course, we need VAs. So, if you're interested in an unpaid project, please consider! The link to the CCC is down below in the comment section!
          	If you have friends that are interested please share! We need all the help we can get. Thank you!!
          	(i can't unlove u is still being continued)


The link won’t send, so if you go to Casting Call Club website and look up, “Project Aveline GL2 series” it should pop up! Thank u!!


Hey everyone! I have an announcement! Me and my friends are creating a Voice Acted series called "Project Aveline"!! Of course, we need VAs. So, if you're interested in an unpaid project, please consider! The link to the CCC is down below in the comment section!
          If you have friends that are interested please share! We need all the help we can get. Thank you!!
          (i can't unlove u is still being continued)


The link won’t send, so if you go to Casting Call Club website and look up, “Project Aveline GL2 series” it should pop up! Thank u!!


hey everyone!! just wanted to let you guys know “I Can’t Unlove You” is still being continued. i haven’t updated in a while, but i will be updating at the end of April. (i know, it seems really far, but it felt like i released chapter 4 three weeks ago  instead of 2 months ago ) im sorry for the slow updates, but you guys will be getting chapter 5!! <3


hey guys! hru :)
          if you guys can, please leave a vote on “I Can’t Unlove You” and if you can or want to, please bring some attention to it!!
          i really dont want this story to flop, and its okay if you guys dont but it would be very appreciated.
          tysm for everyone supporting the story currently, and i am very excited to keep updating. 


Yass more aleheather content  <33


hi everyone, i haven't been on here in a while, and i know most of you probably do not use this app anymore, but i'm here to say that im introducing my new fanfiction, and Aleheather fanfiction, a ship from the total drama seires. its called "I Can't Unlove You." and it would be amazing for everyone to read and support, thank you !


Hey guys, if you can. please read my new fanfic that won’t be deleted at all, it’s called “A Dream of A Knight.” Something like that. Please read it because this is literally one of the only books I had motivation for writing and if nobody reads it then- there’s no reason to write it. So pls go check it out.