
/ lol , it’s really been a few years.. hasn’t it? 


John had just returned from touring with Queen, he had hardly had chance to phone Elton and knew that he would be furious with him. He walked into the massive house that he and Elton shared, looking around for him “Elton I’m home where you?” He shouted up 


            John put his hand under Elton’s chin and made him look at him “you know that I will always come home to my favourite person in the world don’t you hm?” He smiled pressing his lips against his gently 


            “ mhm , i know , i know . but even he called me once or twice - ” he sighed , resting his forehead against john’s chest . “ you know i worry when i don’t hear from you .. ” elton’s cheeks went a bit red and he bit his lip , not wanting to go off on him now that he was finally back home . 


            John wrapped his arms around you “of course it’s me, I told I would be back soon” he said “i promised you that I would be back” he said wrapping his arms round him, pulling him close to him “Yeah I missed you too sorry I couldn’t call much you know what Freddie is like” 


“Reg you look tired, don’t you just want a break for a few days?”


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            “No no don’t worry you haven’t fucked anything up, but yourself” he said “and if John wants to come have a little talk with me because he has a problem then my door is open” he said “have a few of the sandwiches, then go have a bloody sleep” 


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            “ haven’t had that for a while . ” elton said , meaning for it to sound humorous in some way although it just came out depressing . “ does sound good - but john would be so mad . ” he tried a smile which didn’t work very well . “ have i really fucked everything up that badly ? ” 


            Bernie wrapped his arms around him not letting him pull away “then stay with me, just for a couple of days at least, i’ll look after and show that someone cares about you and not just if you play a show or not hm?” He said rubbing back 


“Reggie are you mad?!”


            Bernie wrapped his arms round him and pulled him into a hug, hugging him tightly before kissing his cheek “I’m so happy for you, as long as he makes you happy and looks after you I’ll be fine with him”


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            elton took a sip of the water before setting it down on the desk and standing up . “ mhm . i know . ” he walked over to bernie , wrapping an arm around his shoulders . “ don’t think you’ll have to , though . he’s fucking amazing . ” 


            “You’re not allowed to leave me behind reg I’m your brother. I’ll always be there for you” he smiled “plus if this John Reid guy is a prick I will punch him I hope you know that”


“Elton? What are you doing in there, what’s taking you so long?”


            John poured him a glass of water before rubbing his back softly “spaghetti it is then, and you will eat it all and you will not be going to the toilet for at least an hour afterwards, you came off stage and collapsed last night. I can’t be dealing with Bernie on my back again about your health”


            “ uh , spaghetti - something light . ” sitting down , elton laid his head down on the table . “ and something to drink .. anything . ” his voice had gone a bit raspy , and his eyes were still shadowed behind his shades .


            John led him to the kitchen “well you are going to eat, you have time. You have lots of time” he said pulling out a chair for him “sit down, now what do you want?” He asked taking off his jacket and rolling his sleeves, John didn’t usually cook but he thought it might cheer him up 