
guys im finally done with all my super important school stuff which means maybe more chapters soon... not this weekend tho bc im working 8 hours a day the next 3 days :/


guys I just found out that my dad wrote a song about me when I was born, so now i'm torn between two songs I wanna play for my father daughter dance at my wedding... *sob* the title is literally my name and one of the lines says i'm the girl who found the quickest way to his heart and I started sobbing. and the other one is Cinderella by SCC :((


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still no updates bc my teacher is literally getting mad at me for not doing any extra work at home to catch up on work THAT IM FUCKING AHEAD IN! and it's exhausting me, so I literally have no time to write. anyway, once this assignment is out of the way, you'll be getting sm more updates!!!! thanks for your patience, my loves <3


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HELLOOOOO!! Sorry guys for no update recently, I've found it hard to pick up where I left off lol. But even then, I've been catching up on a shit ton of homework and have no idea when I'll be able to update again... until you hear from me again, I hope you all are well. All the love, C <3


hi guys :b so we're under this super bad winter radar thing and we've just finished a  3 week school break... it's been extended. i don't like school... but im getting BORED anyways, more time to write this book in which i'm not even sure is good. bye friends :) I hope you're all doing well! TPWK!!
          all the love, c