mf icon.

i went to bed seeing her eyes stuck on the back of my mind eyes shut i still saw them cry guilt overwhelmed my stomach body went cold. her tears still running. what did i do to her that day and what could i do to make it go away the image started to fade with every flicker peace was known. no sadness in this liquor i drank for hours sinking the pain knowing everything still felt the same her eyes were there shining in the glass begging me to stop and look at her at last staring into the bottle i saw what i had done from then on i smiled i knew my crimes had just begun.

raining and pouring like a heart empty draining from its blood as the heart beats through every vein trying to take away all the pain ending life quicker with this day a voice whispers “it’s okay” through the artery back to aorta the heart is beating it’s moving faster pulsating at the fastest rate knowing that voice told them it’s not to late the body moves as it peeks new life just to find out it was his wife screaming his name down in coma her eyes glimmer and sparkle with tears knowing that they will be together for years.