
please be sure to check out black / n. horan fanfic ! comment & tell me what you think !
          	hope you had a lovely day x


Just wanted to see how you were doing. I had read a previous Punk Niall on your last account and I wanted to tell you it was amazing and that you're such a talented, great writer. I understand your situation and I hope you get to feeling much better soon and that everything will work out for the best. 


@xoashaox thank you so much, love <3 this means the world to me and i cannot express how thankful i am for souls like yours. (: thank you <3


@cumpleted You're welcome , I truly think you're fablouis ☺ and I mean it , if you ever want to talk don't hesitate I'll always be there


Lana I am so sorry to hear about all the hard things you're going through , I hope you'll get better and the great people around you will push you to get through it , you're a wonderful person with a great talent , I hope things will get back to normal soon and you'll be your old beautiful self again in the meanwhile message me whenever, if you Want to and maybe we could get to know each other better