
Hello everyone. The cover for Letters to Her is confirmed and done!!!! It took me ages to make it but I'm really happy with it. If all goes to plan, I should be publishing the book officially on Wattpad in a couple of days when I have drafted a few more chapters. Thank you.




@FutureWritterLA OMG YOUR BOOK IS SO GOOD! I really love the plot and the characters and I love the way you describe Hazel and just asdfghjkl it's so amazing. Also if you ever want any help with editing or ideas or just want somebody to read through any of your work I would be happy to help :) Just PM me and I'll have a look for you. You should seriously consider becoming an author because your writing is truly spectacular :)
            - Anna


@FutureWritterLA "HTTYD story" and RTTE is amazing!


@FutureWritterLA Hi :) I'm pretty good, how are you? Firstly, I haven't seen RTTE yet, but I plan on watching it in the next few days when I find the time. My friend says it's really good though so I can't wait to watch it. And secondly, I'd love to read your story! Just tell me the title and I'll start reading it right away.
            - Anna


Hello everyone. I have some very exciting news....I am currently writing A NEW BOOK!!!! It's called Letters to Her but I haven't published it yet. I'm trying not to give away too much at  the moment, but I'll post the summary when it's been finalised and tell you when I have posted the first chapter. I'm finishing the draft of chapter 2 at the moment. I'm so excited for writing it as I'm really enjoying writing the main character, Eleanor. Thank you.