
this message may be offensive
I literally just started playing genshin impact and I have no idea what I'm doing so I'm just going to go around collecting random shit.


Looking at my notifications and realizing how lonely you are is an empty feeling. Especially when I used to get hundreds of notifs every week. Now life is just a shell of what it used to be. I can't even have a tea tea party with my chipped tea cups. I feel pathetic.


@SpilledMyGreenTea Its an open end oven. Also at least they were good! Tell your mom about all them high home prices.She'll give up soon-


@cupcakeh0es yeah, my mom still wants to move, I just don't know when. it's fun in Kansas, but it's super hot here. oh yeah update on the pretzels, we forgot to grease the pans so they were hard to take off but they taste good in the end!


@SpilledMyGreenTea Oooooooh ok I just thought you did cause you mentioned that you might move that one time. Nice to know you'll be coming back tho- is it fun over yonder?


You know I think about the words I was told in a dream a lot "You won't make it to eighteen" Then I think about everything else and I realize that yeah I'm most likely to die before the year is over or next year. it's weird and and scary especially when I see him in my dreams more often then not now days. I don't necessarily want to die yet but there's nothing I can do. I'm helpless like he keeps telling me and its terrifying. However, I don't want to be scared anymore when I used to want this so much. I'm scared to sleep and yet I never want to wake up. It's conflicting and everything is just too much. I wanna cry but.. I don't know something just feels wrong about that. my chest just feels so hollow sometimes and its scary and I wish I could just cry and run to a parent but its useless. I'm always called emotional but does any one think about it? The end could suddenly come. Some country could decide its the day that millions will meet their maker? Why are we all hurting each other ?  Why can't all the screaming and begging just stop? I always begged people to stop but I think I'll stop there isn't much left anyway.


@SusxBae Thank you for thinking good of me though I should tell you of my sins it feels nice to know someone is there for now *sips tea* its nice tea I wish I had some actual lemons tho then I'd really have some tea to drink. I'll probably buy new cups one day.


@SusxBae Thanks but.. Im not a good person though certainly not good enough to deserve your kindness. *hand over my special lemon tea* I have some tea though good tea. Sorry my cups are all chipped and stained


I updated my story "Corridors in  my Memory" sorry for it being short. I'll make a longer chapter while I'm away I just felt the need to let you guys know I'm going to start updating more and may make a new story if its wanted?