I write about a boy who doesn't know that I even exist. Great.
Otherwise, my life is pretty much about writing, music, sleeping, One Direction, music, eating, One Direction, writing, sleeping, music, yeah.

Twitter Messages — the story I wrote as it came but it still is kinda cute.

You can check it out here: http://w.tt/1tXPPKY
  • France
  • EntrouSeptember 21, 2014

Última mensagem
cupcakemeh cupcakemeh Nov 14, 2014 06:34PM
1,03K bye
Ver todas as conversas

Histórias de emotional fangirl
Twitter Messages, de cupcakemeh
Twitter Messages
A lucky fan called Gwen once gets Harry Styles' follow. She's really happy but he doesn't seem to notice her...
+mais 3
ma nouvaille vi, de cupcakemeh
ma nouvaille vi
Cc moà cé Lauriana mais vous pouver m'apeler steak jambon voissi mon avanturre avec les ouane d *je rappelle...
Memories, de cupcakemeh
the story of a depressed girl reminding everything she's been through «I'm physically here, but mentally away...
ranking #19 em nostalgy Ver todos os rankings
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