to all my fellow lovers in the US, please know that if you’re scared or anxious rn, you’re not alone. I encourage you to find time to educate yourself during this time. find comfort in community and use meaningful resources that have your best interests in mind. my heart is with you all and I’m sending you nothing but love. always here for you x
OMG HII, I missed you so much. I went on tumblr months ago and your account was gone. I’m so so glad I found your Wattpad ❤️❤️❤️ you’re such an amazing writer
@asitwaslover omg hey!!!! you’re so kind tysm! I don’t write a ton these days (im trying to!) but I still come on here to read :) also weird q but did someone post about my wp account fjdkdjdj I got a bunch of followers over night so I was just wondering LOL
bad boy!Harry x good girl fmc who knits in her free time and he makes fun of her for it until he falls in love w her and now she’s teaching him how to knit. that’s it that’s the post
HELLO a long time ago I was writing a 30+ chapter harry fic where he was a dr*g dealer and I was rereading it recently and actually still liked it ?!! so I’m thinking about editing and reposting it if that would be something u guys would be into :) hope ur all having a relaxing holiday season!
I’ve been rereading a lot of my old stuff lately (and surprised yall enjoyed it bc some of it sucks fjskdjdkd) but I’m thinking of you cuties and wishing you all well <3 maybe I’ll try to post an update for one of my couples if inspiration strikes :) love u!
hi lovebugs, just popping in to wish you all well. I’m sending love to anyone who is mourning liam’s passing, please know that your emotions — whatever they may be — are valid and however you choose to cope is absolutely okay. please remember that you are loved and needed in this world. tpwk always. <3
lovely to hear from you as always cupid, and it never fails to make me smile seeing so many writers sharing their condolences during this awful situation <3