hi babes!,
it’s been a while i know but first let me explain why i didn’t update etc.
the first and biggest reason is the lag of motivation i suddenly got over those weeks.
I couldn’t even write over 200 words without ending up being frustrated and giving up.
Though i rlly appreciate the support i got on my latest book which i‘m also sure i will finish by the end of maybe 1-2 months if possible.
Which leads us to the second and last reason: time|
i‘m ending my freshmen year soon meaning i have my finals now, making it even harder for me to update. My goal right now is to finish “INEFFABLE”
but even so i’m not sure if i will continue writing or just leave wattpad in general.
Now don’t get me wrong i love everyone who supported me since last year but i have a feeling that wattpad isn’t the same anymore as it once was and it somehow makes me loose even more motivation.
I sincerely apologize to everyone who waited for an update and i promise i will update next week or maybe even this weekend.
Please be patient with me!<3
- jen