
Hey there everyone!! hope ya'll are fine.
          	I got 3 things..
          	1. For all those who read 'Our Impossible Love', please help me decide on the cast. So if you're with me just send private message me your opinions on the cast then i'll choose.
          	2. A big thanks to all of you who have been reading my books (Though they are not that good!). I hope I'll be able to update regularly since I'm on holiday!
          	3. I have a special someone who recently re-joined wattpad and I'm kindly asking you guys to follow her (She will follow you back!). Here's her account : @magaphra.. it will mean a lot to me if you follow her!
          	Happy Writing and Reading to you all!


Hey! I used to be obsessed with Violetta and Leonetta hahaha. But I watched it in either Spanish or Polish lol. Mind following back? Also please check out my story, it'd mean a lot, I'll read yours too :) xx


Thank you sooo much xx


Hey there everyone!! hope ya'll are fine.
          I got 3 things..
          1. For all those who read 'Our Impossible Love', please help me decide on the cast. So if you're with me just send private message me your opinions on the cast then i'll choose.
          2. A big thanks to all of you who have been reading my books (Though they are not that good!). I hope I'll be able to update regularly since I'm on holiday!
          3. I have a special someone who recently re-joined wattpad and I'm kindly asking you guys to follow her (She will follow you back!). Here's her account : @magaphra.. it will mean a lot to me if you follow her!
          Happy Writing and Reading to you all!