
Hey! How are you guys doing? I’ve been so stumped with work it’s not funny. My head is filled with spreadsheets and I can’t even write smut for the next Elusive Gem chapter. I’ve even stopped writing Tantalizing Fate’s as well
          	I’ve been so busy these past few days because my client’s business is growing exponentially. Yes, I’ve lost income because I haven’t worked as a tutor for awhile now but that’s totally fine. I love working for my client (she makes me feel like I’m working with her rather than for her) and my pay covers for my expenses anyway. 
          	I’m not going to bore you with the multiple tasks I’ve been juggling lately. I simply dropped by to let you know that I’ll be on hiatus (short hiatus) while I try to get a grip of my busy schedule and get my head straight so I can go back to writing smut. 
          	I need to write smut for the next chapters I’m working on for my stories. You guys might not have access to the new TF chapters but I do and I need to keep my (eldest/favorite?)baby growing Can you believe I got stuck writing only a kissing scene for EG because my head was filled with data I can’t even write a hot scene
          	Anyways, I’d be back mid-July (I hope I’ll be back by then) with lots of chapters (I hope so too. Damn I’m stuck on EG’s 9th and 10th world. 
          	Take care you all and see you soon!!


@curledlove hi,how are you?im just checking in on you.i hope you are doing well.


@curledlove take care always❤


Hey! How are you guys doing? I’ve been so stumped with work it’s not funny. My head is filled with spreadsheets and I can’t even write smut for the next Elusive Gem chapter. I’ve even stopped writing Tantalizing Fate’s as well
          I’ve been so busy these past few days because my client’s business is growing exponentially. Yes, I’ve lost income because I haven’t worked as a tutor for awhile now but that’s totally fine. I love working for my client (she makes me feel like I’m working with her rather than for her) and my pay covers for my expenses anyway. 
          I’m not going to bore you with the multiple tasks I’ve been juggling lately. I simply dropped by to let you know that I’ll be on hiatus (short hiatus) while I try to get a grip of my busy schedule and get my head straight so I can go back to writing smut. 
          I need to write smut for the next chapters I’m working on for my stories. You guys might not have access to the new TF chapters but I do and I need to keep my (eldest/favorite?)baby growing Can you believe I got stuck writing only a kissing scene for EG because my head was filled with data I can’t even write a hot scene
          Anyways, I’d be back mid-July (I hope I’ll be back by then) with lots of chapters (I hope so too. Damn I’m stuck on EG’s 9th and 10th world. 
          Take care you all and see you soon!!


@curledlove hi,how are you?im just checking in on you.i hope you are doing well.


@curledlove take care always❤


hey can i ask u sonething... can u post ur sleeping beauty story here????( if u can others also ) i know i am trouble.. but plz na i like your stories so much i miss them... if i  have any net prblms i can read it here as much i want.. thats y i am asking... i goes ur blog also but sometimes i cant make it... sry if ur not okay... but its a request... thanks for ue EG☺


Hey guys - I figured I should let you know I can’t post 9.12 today. I was still working on it when my mom announced this morning that they’re off to grandma’s house for her bday. So, I’m left babysitting the dog and finishing the household chores that I could barely work on because Belle (the dog) won’t let me leave her sight. I’m stuck laying on my bed with her bundled up next to me. Cute, I know, but I can’t even move a muscle I’ll post the next chapter anytime this week.


Haha sweet 


Happy Mother's Day!!!
          Hope everyone's faring well. . . I'd like to let you know that I won't be posting the next chapter this weekend. I got my hands full in the kitchen to prepare food for today's celebration. This is the first time my family's celebrating mother's day since 2018 (when I started working) and I want it to be extra special. Thus, I'm cooking for the family. 
          I'll be posting the next chapter anytime within the week :)
          Again, Happy Mother's Day!!! God bless everyone!


@curledlove Happy MOTHERS DAY. Wishing u and ur loved ones happy bonding


Happy Mother’s Day (: hope you and your family had a wonderful day


          I won't be posting the next chapter this weekend. My mother was quarantined last week and she just got back home last night when her results arrived. Luckily, it was negative. Our area is now on lockdown-starting today, so my older sister and I are pretty busy making sure we have provisions during the 2 weeks duration. We don't expect anything from the local government to get us through the lockdown. I'll post 2 chapters next weekend to cope up with the update I missed.


@curledlove oh ok.i hope you stay safe.take care.


Glad your mother is well. Please be safe outside and take care of yourself. We can wait for the next update. Your physical and mental health is more important. I’m praying that you come out of this crisis soon and or you get some support from those bloody silly governments. 


@ curledlove  don't worry keep safe, take care.  Happy to hear results were negative. 


          All my plans for the weekend got foiled because I had to look for a nice pair of shoes for my niece and nephew. Luckily, I was able to find shoes for them but I’m dead tired after 2 days of searching. So, I’ll be uploading all remaining chapters of EG tomorrow (while working -hope my client wouldn’t know) and just continue wishing for a time when I can go over my written chapters to edit them. I’ve fully uploaded Just Another Sleeping Beauty Story here: and will be uploading the other stories soon. If Watty takes down EG, it will still be available on this blogsite. 
          Good thing I was able to finish 9.2 early. Next chapter will be uploaded as soon as I finish it- so that might be around black Saturday or Easter Sunday. 


Hi! For readers who'd like to revisit the previous stories I posted on watty, I created a blogsite where I'll be reposting my stories. Here's the link: I created it a few hours ago and I'm still in the middle of uploading my stories. Please don't expect that the chapter are edited because I'm only copy-pasting the chapters from my Notes. Kindly keep the link of my blogsite among us. Thank you!


@jiandc07 There should be no problem even if you don’t have an account. It’s like any other public blog site. Just agree to the pop-out about the page containing mature content since I placed a warning beforehand.