
Hola , I havent posted cuz i've been busy during brake but ,I'm working on 2 storys (britney spears × nick carter,and anywhere for you )


"IM THE KING OF THE WORLD!"-JACK from titanic, leoooo


Hola, fanáticos del frack, ha pasado un tiempo desde que les di un anuncio sobre mis libros y todo, así que vine aquí para hablarles sobre eso y sobre eso, publiqué uno o dos de los libros que les estaba diciendo. hace un mes y he estado trabajando en él por cierto está en español así que todos los fanáticos de nicky carter que dicen en español e inglés "billingue" son perfectos para mi cuenta ese fue el anuncio y para todos los que no sabían que frack es un apodo por lo que los fanáticos de nick carter lo llamamos ,los amo yall....


Hey frack fanatics,it's been a While since iv'e gave you guys a announcement about my books and all so iv'e come here to talk to yall about that, and about that I have posted one or two i bellive of the 3 storys I was telling yall  a month ago and iv'e been working on it by the way it's in spanish so yall nicky carter fanatics that read in spanish and english (bilingule) are perfect for my acc , that was the anounccment and I will post this  in spanish after I translate  it . (Frack is nick if did not know) thank You luv yall....


Hey guys , I'm working on some (3) nick carter storys all at once and it's well not stressful but hard to do all at the same time so I'm trying to do them as good as I can make them seem good and romantic as possible, and I'm getting to finishing 2 of them , I will keep yall posted!  love yall so much!