❀ Name Change ❀
Hey everyone! Recently I was thinking about a name change, well really I have been for a long time. As time goes on people change and since these past two years I’ve been finding my true self, it’s time to give a fitting name. I just don’t feel like Rachel fits me and want to have a more gender neutral name, a name special to me. It’s my thing to make myself how I want to be, to change things to my liking so with some consideration, I chose the name Lux. Lux is Latin for light, it’s been a name I have gravitated to for a long time so I thought of it instantly. It’s special to me because I think of it like: I shine like a bright light, I light my own path, my heart is the light in the darkness of my mind. Light is important to me, I feel connected to it somehow in a way I can’t describe. I actually was thinking of going the opposite route and naming myself Nyx which was the Greek goddess of the night, to embrace my darkness. But I decided to bring some light into the dark instead, that and I have this gut feeling that my name begins with a L. I really like the nicknames for Lux as well. Currently the ones I use are Lou, Lulu, and Louie. Most often Lou, which I love because it’s super cute, simple and gender neutral. Anyway yeah just wanted to let you know that my name has changed so please don’t refer to me as Rachel, Rach, Rachie, etc. It’s Lux now, thank you <3