
Thank you for reading and voting on Like To Be You! <3


Ah thank you so much for writing it! I have no idea how you managed to plan it out so much, the plot line and it’s twists are so amazing!! 


@Greenday_ATL_5sos Hellooooo... *Puts on creepy mask and grins creepily because I'm wearing a creepy mask... duh Eve -.-* Just kidding, I'm not going to slit your throat or anything, haha.
          Anyway, hey there! I'm here to thank you for voting on my story, 'Waffle Cones'. So thank you so much for voting on my story! It means so much to me that you're reading it and liking it, and I hope it improves your day/ makes you laugh :)
          Thanks again! Here, have a cookie for being awesome! *Hands you a chocolate chip cookie and a milkshake for good measure* ^.^


@Eve_The_Spy Yay! chocolate chip cookie and milkshakes! no problem anyway :):):)